Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturn's Rings
Robby's Pack held its annual spring camp out at Lake Fairfax park last night. The weather was perfect. Clear, enough wind to keep the bugs down (but, the pollen up), and nice temperatures (High 76,low 49). 49 feels a lot colder in a tent.
We set the tent that Robby got for Christmas for the first time on a fairly flat area. The tent is big enough for six (the manufacturer suggested occupancy is eight...) , so we had plenty of room. It only took about 1/2 an hour to get it up and firmly affixed to the ground.
After playing some catch, it was time for dinner promptly at 5. At 7:30 we headed over to the park amphitheatre for the promotion ceremonies. By 8:30 we were well into roasting marshmallows.

After that, it was time for bed as the park has a lights out policy at 10pm. We awoke about 6:30 and started moving at 7:20. After a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, we took down the tent and headed home, arriving just before 9.
We set the tent that Robby got for Christmas for the first time on a fairly flat area. The tent is big enough for six (the manufacturer suggested occupancy is eight...) , so we had plenty of room. It only took about 1/2 an hour to get it up and firmly affixed to the ground.
After playing some catch, it was time for dinner promptly at 5. At 7:30 we headed over to the park amphitheatre for the promotion ceremonies. By 8:30 we were well into roasting marshmallows.
One of the parents has built his own telescope. It's about 5 feet long and 10-12 inches in diameter. We looked at the moon and Saturn. We could clearly see Saturn's rings.

Very cool!
After that, it was time for bed as the park has a lights out policy at 10pm. We awoke about 6:30 and started moving at 7:20. After a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, we took down the tent and headed home, arriving just before 9.