Saturday, September 10, 2005
Labor Day Nationals

September 5, 2005: Nationals v. Marlins

As the last day of summer (literally, the last day before school started), we went as a family to take in a day game at RFK Stadium. We decided to take the Metro to go down to the Mall and take in a few hours at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History before the game. Since the Smithsonian does not open until 10am, we did not have to rush.

Once off the train, it doesn't take long to find a photo opportunity.

Looking the other way, the Washington monument. As you can see, it was a nearly perfect day! And yes, that black smudge just off to the right is an USAir 737 departing to the north. After completing our tour of only about 1/4 of the bottom level of the Natural History Museum, it was time to head for the ballpark. First, we ate a picnic lunch on the Mall, in the shade.

Here are some shots of the ballpark from our lower reserve seats, which were nice and shady, in addition to being a good view to first base and home plate.

Not a lot of people up high. I think the crowd size was about 37K, which is about the same as a full capacity game at Fenway Park, except that RFK holds 70K.

A closeup of the bull-pen. The sign just to the left of the WTOP banner is from the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), which I thought a little odd. Just goes to show that lobbying in DC is pervasive.

Play Ball!!!

Meghan takes a quick peak at the television monitor, while Mom looks on to determine how she will score that play...!

Loyal fans enjoying the game. By the time we got home, we were pretty tired, but we had a fun day. The next morning was the first day of school.