Sunday, October 02, 2005
Logging EAA Time in a G1000 Star

Robby and I flew into Dinwiddie County Airport (KPTB) in Petersburg, VA to take in EAA Fly-in and get our Virginia Aviation Ambassadors Program (VAAP) passports stamped. What a great day to fly. Visibility at Leesburg was less than 4 miles in low radiation fog typical for this time of year.

Jason from work was flying left seat while I practiced right seat flying. Robby was glad to be in an airplane again. It was a bit on the cool side, but warmed up quite a bit later in the day.

Other than the early fog, the weather today was just perfect.
This was the view of the inflight entertainment system; er, I mean cockpit as we passed over Culpeper, VA (KCJR).
Robby stands next to the chariot of the day. The Aviation Adventures G1000 star had a front row seat on the ramp right across from the entrance and the breakfast hangar.
Perhaps the best part of the show was Robbie flying the Pitts on the ramp. He was the cermonial "cockit walker" as the Pitts was moved onto the ramp from the hangar. He loved it!
In addition to Dinwiddie County, we also visited Emporia-Greensville, Lawrenceville-Brunswick and Mecklenburg-Brunswick airports today.
Did I mention that the weather was perfect? The view of Mecklenburg-Brunswick as we turn to base for runway 1 says it all